Avraham Goldberg

Avraham Goldberg (Hebrew: אברהם גולדברג, born January 22, 1913) is an Israeli talmud scholar. Goldberg was born in Pittsburgh, and was educated at yeshivot Torah V'Daat and Chafetz Chaim, as well as at the University of Pittsburgh, where he studied English literature. He was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1941. After serving as a chaplain in the United States armed forces during World War II, Goldberg moved to Israel to study at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where he remained until today. In 1952 Goldberg received a PhD in Talmud from Hebrew University, with a critical edition of Massechet Ohalot serving as his dissertation. After graduation, Goldberg served at the Hebrew University as professor and professor emeritus of Talmud, as well as chair of the Talmud department. He has also served as visiting professor at the Jewish Theological Seminary and University of Pennsylvania.
Goldberg has published four books: Critical editions of Massechtot Oholot, Bava Kamma, Eruvin, Shabbat and Tosefta Bava Kamma. He has also published many articles in scholarly journals.

Goldberg is married to Rivka Abramowitz and they have four children, along with many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.



See also